order page in responsive design


Over the course of 3 months, my UX partner and I worked with multiple stakeholders to redesign the desktop shopping experience for the Device Protection Plans on AT&T's B2B Premier website.

My Role

I collaborated with a Lead UX Designer throughout the process. I held several JAD sessions, sketched out ideas, assisted the Lead UX Designer in wireframe creation, and then I created comps that helped stakeholders to better visualize the design.

  • Tools: Whiteboarding, Sketching, Visio, Photoshop
  • Deliverable: Wireframes, Comps

The Problem

Device Protection is a high-marginal revenue product. In this redesign project the business stakeholders came to us with three goals:

  • Increase the sales of Device Protection product by moving it earlier in the buy flow: The product currently standed on the Features page, which was near the end of the buy flow. Business stakeholders believed they could increase the sales by making the product more visible to the customers and moving it to an earlier page.
  • Improve Customer Satisfaction Scores (CSAT): From legal's perspectives, customers are required to either select or decline the Device Protection product when they are purchasing a mobile device. Customers sometimes found the shopping experience troublesome and confusing because the Device Protection product was displayed on the Features page along with many optional products.
  • Develop one flexible design that worked for various scenarios: AT&T Premier has a variety of customers, each has different need and would walk through different buy flow. The design should be flexible enough to remain consistency in various scenarios.
Device Protection currectly stands on the Features page

The Discovery

whiteboard discussion

We initiated the project through a series of discussion. In the early stage we held mutiple joint application design (JAD) sessions with business analyst and IT specialist to collect requirements while developing new ideas.

The Ideation

Based of the information we gathered at JAD sessions, we came up with five different solutions: overlay approach; standalone page; integrate to Device Details page; Integrate to Accessories page; and restructure Features page.

These ideas were quickly sketched out on paper and used to compare the pros and cons of each possible solutions.

After a series of discussion we opted for the standalone page approach. Since the page is dedicated only to the Mobile Protection products, there is enough space for user to learn more about them and make the decision. Furthermore, this solution is also more scalable and it allows the business to add more insurance plans in the future. Last but not least, this approach would allow us to conduct A/B Testing and place the page anywhere in the buy flow.

Siteflow and Wireframe

Upon agreement on standalone page approach, we quickly moved on to create siteflow and wireframe. Designs were created for various scenarios, including purchasing new device, add a new line, upgrade device, and etc.

Detailed Design

With the wireframes provided by the Lead UX Designer, I created multiple hi-fidelity designs. Through research and discussion we eventually agreed on this version of comps.

comps for stand alone design